We help people love God, themselves, and others
with all their mind, heart, and body.

We believe growing our capacity to love takes awareness. Most of us do life by automatically relying on our “inner hustler’s” gifts and resources. To sustain a deep inner life means waking up to how this default self sabotages our love for God, self, and others at every turn. We help people learn how to partner with the Spirit of God in ways that transform them and their relationships. We believe there is hope for a new normal in Christ.

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Leonard and Barbara have decades of experience in caring for the soul.  Barbara is an author, speaker and mentor. Barbara’s passion is giving people tools to help them make space for God in their lives.

Leonard is a servant of God that is passionate about christian education. Leonard’s passion is resourcing pastors, leaders, and individuals in their spiritual journey.

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We provide a variety of spiritual formation offerings, including:

  • Speaking Engagements

  • Facilitated Discernment & Direction

  • Pastoral & Ministry Support

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Leonard & Barbara are bestselling authors on
spiritual disciplines and transformation Learn More